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Submit your design here
Parental Permission has been granted to participate in this contest:
Criteria for design:
  • File can be PDF, JPG, or PNG. Here's a template you can use for drafts - print as many as you'd like! It can also be used to submit as a final design.
  • Final mural will be 6 ft tall and 10 ft across. Design can be submitted scaled down to 6 inches tall by 8 inches across. Want a template? Here's one you can print out and scan when you have your favorite design ready.
  • Design should be hand-drawn. Computer-created submissions will be accepted, but please keep in mind that the design will be hand painted on the side of the wall if the design wins.
  • Scan the design onto a computer or take a picture of the design once it is ready to be submitted (be sure you have adequate lighting if taking a picture with a cell phone). 
  • Be sure to update the File name/title: [Your first name]_[Your last name]_[Title of artwork].jpg (or PNG or PDF).
    • Example: Jane_Doe_Wings of Anacortes.JPG
    • Why this is important: Once you upload your file, we want to make sure you get credit for your submission!

Did you remember to rename your file?

If you have a second design you'd like to submit or if you have any questions, please email

Upload File

By clicking the Complete button, you'll be taken to the secure payment page to complete the $15 entry fee.

Thanks for applying! We’ll let you know as soon as the voting begins!

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