Join our Creative Cluster Book Club!
Using the tools in Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way, we offer a 8-session club to allow anyone to spark their creativity with a cluster of other creative humans. An amazing opportunity to be with like-minded individuals and have a chance to grow as a creative being with a form of accountability.
The club meets weekly for about 1 - 1.5 hours in Anacortes.
In 2023, we are excited to explore her book called The Listening Path: The Creative Art of Attention. In this book, we'll have 8 sessions to help boost your creativity and connect with other local creative minds!
Our next club starts on Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 from 7-8:30PM
Here's the full list of dates of the club meetups:
March 29th: Connect with the group, create structures, and launch club. Obtain book and read Chapter 1 and complete homework before Session 2
April 12th: Session 2* - Discuss Chapter 1
April 19th: Session 3 - Discuss Chapter 2
April 26th: Session 4 - Discuss Chapter 3
May 3rd: Session 5 - Discuss Chapter 4
May 10th: Session 6 - Discuss Chapter 5
May 17th: Session 7 - Discuss Chapter 6
Date TBD: Session 8 - Final session, celebrate completion of book
(*No meetup on April 5th for spring break)
Who this club is for and what to expect each week:
This program is for ALL creative minds: artists, writers, photographers, designers, jewelry makers, and more. Anyone who wants to do something different and have fun trying something new.
We'll be following the prompts in the book! Members are expected to read (or listen via audiobook) to the relevant chapter for the week prior to our meetup. Some exercises will be done together, and some will be a daily exercise done at home.
Not free on the dates of our next scheduled club? Sign up below to get notified about the next one!